
TRIPLE transcends the conventional definition of an oracle as understood in contemporary terms. It stands as a native multichain data transmission protocol, firmly established on a decentralized foundation. Its security assurances align harmoniously with the blockchains it engages with, bolstered by well-established cryptographic practices, robust safety mechanisms, and an elevated degree of adaptability and computability. TRIPLE operates as a protocol, capitalizing on time-tested economic mechanisms in an innovative manner, guaranteeing the equitable pricing of data furnished to other protocols.

One of TRIPLE's defining characteristics is its resolute commitment to being entirely permissionless. This signifies that any entity possesses the capacity to validate, relay, and solicit data within the network. Furthermore, the network's accessibility extends across various networks, bolstered by shared security measures.

TRIPLE-enabled protocols enjoy the prerogative to solicit both public and private data. Private data providers are incentivized to partake in the network by receiving a share of newly generated tokens and fees accrued by the network, proportionate to its usage.

Upon issuing a data request, protocols can precisely delineate a set of Opcodes, instructing the TRIPLE network on the type of computations to perform on the retrieved dataset. Consequently, protocols leveraging the TRIPLE network can execute intricate computations off-chain. This capability enables the execution of more elaborate computations than would be feasible within the constraints of the protocols' native smart contract environments. Additionally, it curtails gas fees by outsourcing computations to an off-chain network.

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